Monday, August 11, 2008

IF: Sail

For some reason I'm finding a lot of work challenging lately. I think I'm still narrowing down my style... which can be frustrating and somehow restraining. One moment I'm not sure what I want to achieve and the next I am eager and ready to work with a million and one ideas in my head.

I think if I could have chosen a profession for myself I would've picked something a bit more consistent or at least less motivated by emotion. I wish I could be those artists that are all about technique and mechanics. I'm just not that kind of artist. For me it's all about moods and feelings and dreams. And being that kind of artist makes it hard to do anything else. I have to make art. It's not a choice.

Details: Hand drawn in ink (prismacolor liners 0.05, scanned, digitally colored.
Illustration Friday: Sail


Anonymous said...

drawing from emotions and feelings is the expression of your soul, and its not a burnden, and for me, it is better do draw that way than have technique and mechanics but the drawing has no soul.

i better stop writing now and go look at your other drawings :)

Lee Hutchings said...

Thanks Ramon. I think one of the biggest issues for me is just letting go - letting it all out and such. I'm too much of an internal editor and I feel like I'm trying to create what I think other people want to see, not necessarily what I want to say. That of course gets me wrapped up in mechanics which is just painful. Thanks for the comments.

Daniel Hertzberg said...

Liking the color and your stylized faces. Lots of quirkiness. Impossible not to enjoy.

Sam said...

You shouldn't be trying to (in your words) 'narrow down your style'.

Think of your favourite artist and I can guarantee that they became good through evolution. This evolution is formed through freedom of expression and not consciously boxing themselves in.

I do like your drawings though ;)

Anonymous said...

i think you have a style going on here already, and its beautiful, so just keep on drawing, and ofcourse, let go, artists have the license to do it eheheheh :D

Lee Hutchings said...

Thanks everyone for the comments.

Daniel: Thanks so much. I really appreciate the feedback.

Sam: Picasso is my favorite artist mainly because he seemed to do a little bit of everything: collage, pottery, painting, drawing, etc. And the main could draw realistically if he wanted to, those pieces just don't happen to be his most famous. He learned the "rules" and then decided to break them. So, I totally see your point. Thanks. :)

Ramon: Thanks again. Yeah, I guess I do have a style already. And suddenly I am feeling very much able to let go. I am really grateful for your comments.